EVR 4872


Division of Marine Sciences and Ecological Sciences

College of Arts & Sciences

Florida Gulf Coast University

Fort Myers, Florida


Edward T. "Terry" Wimberley, Ph.D.


Division of Marine and Ecological Sciences

College of Arts & Sciences


Fort Myers, FL

(239) 405-4164 (Cell)




Campus appointments only scheduled if telephone and/or Skype consultation proves ineffective.


Weekly Consultation Hours Policy:

9-Noon Wednesday by Phone (239.405.4164) Facetime or Skype




Plagiarism Warning


Course Description:

An introduction to environmental policy emphasizing climate change, biodiversity; economic growth. Also includes discussion of regulatory policies, taxes, market solutions, and other policy options applied to energy policy, transportation policy, endangered species, and materials use.


Students are required to purchase the following books.

Salzman, James and Thompson, Jr., Barton H. (2014) Environmental Policy and Law: Concepts and Insights (Fourth Edition), New York, NY: Foundation Press. ISBN: 978-1-60930-305-1


Layzer, Judith (2012) The Environmental Case. (3rd Edition) Washington, DC: CQ Press.

Additional Readings (That May be Assigned):

Adler, Jonothan H. (2005) "What Happens When Environmental Law Meets the Constitution?" Annual American Bar Association Meeting on Environment, Energy and Resources, (September 21-25), Nashville, TN.

Arnold, Paul A. (2008) About America: How the United States is Governed. Washington, DC: U.S. Bureau of International Information Programs.

Canada's Sytem of Government (2015) Illustration. The Parliment of Canada, Ottawa, CA.

Casey, Timothy T. (2011) "A Model Environmental Nation? Canada as a Case Study for Informing U.S. Environmental Policy," American Review of Canadian Studies. Vol. 41, No. 4, p. 345-357.

Government of Canada (2015) The Canadian Constitution. The Canadian Department of Justice, Retrieved from the Worldwide Web October 12, 2015 at http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/csj-sjc/just/05.html

Makrenot, Jay (2007) "The Canadian Constitution: Introduction to Canada's Constitutional Framework," (August 1), Mapleleafweb. Retrieved from the Worldwide Web October 12, 2015 at http://mapleleafweb.com/features/canadian-constitution-introduction-canada-s-constitutional-framework#what

Morestein, Florience (2012) A Framework for Analyzing Public Policies: Practical Guide. Quebec, CA: National Collaborating Center for Public Policy.

Novotony, Thomas E; Lum, Kristen; Smith, Elizabeth; Wang, Vivian and Barnes, Richard (2009) "Cigarette Butts and the Case for An Environmental Policy on Hazard Cigarette Waste," International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 6, p. 1691-1705.

Ostrom, Elinor (2010) "Institutional Analysis and Development: Elements of the Framework in Historical Perspective," In Charles Crother's (Ed.) Historical Developments and Theoretical Approaches in Sociology. (Volume III), New York, NY: United Nations Educationa, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Polten, Eric P. and Glezl, Peter (2014) Federalism in Canada and Germany: Overview and Comparison. Toronto, CA: Polten & Associates.

Powell, Brenda Heelan (2014) Environmental Assessment and The Canadian Constitution. Ecmonton, CA: Environmental Law Centre

Sabatier, Paul A. (2007) Theories of the Policy Process. Cambridge, MA: Westview Press.

Walker, Genevieve (2014) United States Department of State Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for the Keystone XL Project. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of State.

Wirth, David A. (1996) "Public Participation and International Process: Environmental Case Studies at the National and International Levels," Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy. Vol. 7, p. 6f.

Yell, Mitchell L. and Conroy, Terrye (2015) "Introduction to the American Legal System," In Yell and Conroy's (Eds.) The Law And Special Education. New York, NY: Pearson Education.


Course Objectives:

After completion of this course, students should among other things be able to:


  • Describe the process of the United States environmental policy making

  • Discuss Environmental Justice movement and its implications for the environmental policy both at national and global level,

  • Discuss the impact of population growth and issues of quality of life in developing countries,

  • Identify major federal environmental protection policies and explain their key provisions,

  • Discuss the links between environmental quality and human health,

  • Thoroughly explore the different policy positions that have been staked out regarding global warming;

  • Demonstrate verbal and written communicative, analytical, and critical thinking skills through research project, book review, fact sheet, annotated bibliography, and oral presentation

  • Demonstrate the capacity to research and interpret court decisions and case law

  • Demonstrate the capacity to correctly use APA citations and references

Basic Course Requirements:

  1. Attend and participate in class on a regular basis through weekly posting of homework on the Canvas.  Class participation centers around participation in completing and posting homework via Canvas email. Homework completion counts as 50% of the course grade and also reflects upon the class participation grade. Students must receive permission from the instructor to miss a class. Missing (i.e. nonparticipation or inadequate participation in class activities on Canvas via email) for 3 classes or more without instructor permission will result in students failing the class. Homework turned in late will not be graded. Homework written into the email memo field rather than attached as Word or rich-text format documents, will not be graded. Homework turned in without the student's name, date and a description of which homework assignment the work is responding to will not be graded. All work is submitted through Canvas email.

  1. Successfully complete a comprehensive examination.  The comprehensive exam will be administered at session 14 and will cover the material covered over weeks 1-14. The exam will be administered via Canvas.  Exams returned later than the specified deadline will not be graded and the student will receive a grade of 0% for such exams.  All work is submitted through Canvas email.

  1. Complete all homework in a timely and thorough fashion and weekly post study question / homework answers to the lesson board.  What the course considers to be "homework" are the discussion questions that occur between sessions 1-10. All homework must be completed weekly and must include APA source documentation. Additionally, each week's homework must include the homework question followed immediately with the student's response and all papers must include the students name, the course name, the assignment number and the date. Work failing to fully meet these criteria will receive no credit. Likewise work turned in late will receive no credit. Homework submitted later than 5:00 p.m. on the final date of the class session will will be considered late homework and will not be credited toward class attendance and participation.

    The dates for each class session can be found in the course schedule located on the course home page. Distance learning course are considered to operate over a seven day week period. All work is submitted through Canvas email. Any work mailed in from any other emial source - even if mailed to the instructor's Canvas email address - will not be graded for the simple reason that when such work is mailed from an external email account to Canvas it is not received on Canvas in any way the instructor can retireive. Consequently, work submitted in such a way cannot and will not be graded. For that matter, any work submitted to the instructor by any email source outside of Canvas that is sent to the instructor's FGCU email address or to any other instructor email address will also not be accepted or graded - period. The same applies to any course assignment that is typed into the memo field of any email to the instructor.

    NOTE: If you have questions or issues that could get in the way of you completing any of your assignments you should contact the instructor by telephone at 239.405.4164. Dr. Wimberley is available virtually any time 24/7 to assist you if the issue you are working with serves as an immediate impediment of your completing your work.

APA Documentation Method:

I strongly encourage every student to take the time to complete the following online APA Citation and Reference Tutorial offered by Harvard University. One of the objectives of this class is that you learn how to use the APA documentation style. You can learn everything you need to know about how to use this method by studying the material at the following sites. Please understand that any of your discussion questions or your student presentation papers that are lacking in complete APA styled documentation will be returned to you and will not be graded until they are in order.


NOTE: Students will be given credit for turning in their homework completely and on time. Students will be responsible for assuring that all study questions are appropriately cited and referenced using APA style. Failure to comply with these citation and reference standards will result in grade point reductions. Students are also responsible for assuring that all of their responses are accurate, since the course exams will be largely based upon these study questions. The instructor will provide either one completely graded set of questions for students to refer to or will provide the answers to the discussion questions on a weekly basis. These will be emailed to the instructor through Canvas email. Students will be responsible for not only turning in their work on a weekly basis, but reviewing their work against the instructor's feedback for the questions.

Grading Criteria:
Comprehensive Exam: Sessions 1-10 50%
Attendance & Participation (a.k.a. homework): ( as determined by weekly homework assignment performance. (Logging in on a weekly basis and answering assigned questions and doing so thoroughly and in accordance with question completion guidelines and expectations).   50%

 Total Percentage



Grading Scale























59% and Below



Homework submitted later than 5:00 p.m. on the final date of each weekly class session will will be considered late homework and will not be credited toward class attendance and participation. Distance learning courses are considered to operate over a seven day week period. Course assignments and schedule, course objectives and grading criteria, distributions and weights may change as circumstances dictate and at the discretion of the instructor.