Home Page Schedule



Session 1

Introudction to Environmental Policy

Class Assignment:

Environmental Policy & Law (Chapter 1: An Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy); The Environmental Case (Chapter 1: A Policymaking Framework).


Read the assigned text chapter. Answer all of the discussion questions at the end of Environmental Policy & Law Chapter 1. Cite and reference all answers in APA format. Then answer the questions below - also cited and referenced in APA style. Turn in this homework assignment by no later than 5 pm at end of session one. You are responsible for becoming familiar with all of the legislation, concepts and definitions to be found in Chapter 1 from both texts and in the web information below. You will be examined on this information shortly. For this class session, your homework entails answering the following questions.


  1. Describe the role of policy entrepeneurs in "softening up" and "tipping."
  2. Identify two critical features of U.S. environmental policymaking.
  3. Pick an example of natural resource legislation, research the legislation and briefly explain how it has been amended and changed by Congress from its inception to the present.
  4. Go to the case studies (see links on home page) and identify one case illustrative of natural resource legislation and one case illustrative of anti-pollution legislation and briefly describe each case and how each case is illustrative of either anti-pollution or natural resource legislation.
  5. There are many reasons given as to why environmental policy is so controversial to include: the politicization of scientific findings; majoritarian politics with strong emotional appeal to client groups; the creation of loser groups by environmental policy decisions who disproportionately bear the burdens of policies without necessarily sharing in the benefits and blow-back from citizens who feel over-regulated. Do some web research and among these "reasons" identify the one that appears to be most widely held. (This will require online web research).
  6. Under which Presidential administration was the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) created? Under the U.S. Constitution explain what is meant by "federalism" and the "separation of powers." (This will require online web research).

Be prepared to be examined on the contents of chapter 1 for each text. Also familiarize yourself with the variety of environmental laws you will be encountering throughout this course and thereafter.