Environmental Philosophies & Ethics

EVR 3020

CRN 10145

Home Page / Schedule / Links / Cases

Environmental Philosophy Links

Abbey, Edward


Abbey, Edward Texts
Abbey’s Web


Atlantic Monthly Cases


Atlantic Monthly Environmental Case Articles 


Deep Ecology Selected Writings


Devall, Bill Texts
Naess, Arne Texts 




Sale, Kirkpatrick Writings


Case Studies


Course Case Study Links  




Cove/Mallard Coalition
Earth First!
Earth First! Action Update Online
Earth First! Journal Backissues
Earth Liberation Front (E.L.F.) 
Foreman, Dave Texts
Wild Rockies Earth First! 




Ecofeminist Philosophy Site Index 


Environmental Groups & General Eco-Links


Alliance for the Wild Rockies 
American Rivers
Center for Environmental Citizenship

Environmental Ethics
Forests Forever
High North Alliance
National Wildlife Federation
Northwest Earth Institute
Rainforest Action Network
Sierra Club 
Wildlands Project 


Environmental Justice


Environmental Justice Foundation
Hollow Bone Alliance
Indigenous Environmental Network  


Land Ethic


Leopold, Aldo Writings 


Social Ecology


Bookchin, Murray Writings
Bookchin, Murray Texts 
Social Ecology Institute Online Library
Social Ecology Project   


White, Lynn Jr. 


"The Historical Roots of our Environmental Crisis"


Florida and California Historic Films About Water

Waters of Destiny

The Irrigationist

Cross Florida Canal

The Case for the Canal

Florida's Main Stream Canal

Florida's Land of Gracious Living

County With a Future