Environmental Health


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Session 9

To Label or Not to Label

Dahl, Richard (2012) "To Label or Not to Label: California Prepares to Vote on Genetically Engineered Foods,"Environmental Health Perspectives. Vol. 120, No. 9, p. A359-A361

Discussion / Homework Questions

Your homework for this class session involves your writing down each of the following questions and answering them one by one being sure to include the appropriate APA citations and references. Just a reminder that the "reference" for this week's assignment appears above. Turn in your work as a Word or rich text format document as usual via Canvas email no later than 5 pm the last day of this class session as it appears on the course schedule page.

  1. Describe the nature of the controversy in California regarding genetically engineered foods.
  2. Go to the web and research the "California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act." Tell me what it involves and whether it has become a law yet.
  3. Describe the "red flags" associated with GMO's.