Environmental Health


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Session 7

Unknown Quantities

Weinhold, Bob (2012) "Unknown Quantities: Regulating Radionuclides in Tap Water," Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 120, No. 9, p. A351-A356.

Discussion / Homework Questions:

Your homework for this class session involves your writing down each of the following questions and answering them one by one being sure to include the appropriate APA citations and references. Just a reminder that the "reference" for this week's assignment appears above. Turn in your work as a Word or rich text format document as usual via Canvas email no later than 5 pm the last day of this class session as it appears on the course schedule page.

  1. What are the environmental health risks of radionuclides in tap water?
  2. List 5 radionuclides of concern and briefly explain thier risks.
  3. How does the EPA regulate for these agents?
  4. Describe the biomonitoring program of the Centers For Disease Control.