
Environmental Policy Graduate Seminar

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EVS 6937

Online Course


Graduate Seminar in Environmental Policy  


Session 8

Energy: Nuclear, Coal, Crude, and Renewable Fuel

Class Topics: 

  • Fossil Fuel Nation
  • Nuclear Power
  • Nuclear Regulatory Commission & the Cold War Legacy
  • Renewable Energy
  • Black Gold (Coal & Oil)


Chapter 8 of Walter Ronsenbaum's Environmental Politics and Policy. (10th Ediction), Washington, DC: CQ Press.

Homework Assignment:           

  1. Energy dependence or independence versus environmental health are issues at loggerheads with one another in today's energy and environment debate. Explain options for how the nation's political and economic needs can be aligned with its environmental desires.
  2. When these two agendas collide, explain in depth which one usually wins and why?
  3. How do Decmocrat and Republican administrations impact this issue?