
Environmental Policy Graduate Seminar

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EVS 6937

Online Course


Graduate Seminar in Environmental Policy  


Session 7

A Regulatory Thicket: Toxic and Hazardous Substances

Class Topics: 

  • The Rush to Regulate

  • Cradle to Grave Regulation (a good idea?)

  • The Regulatory Thicket


Chapter 7 of Walter Ronsenbaum's Environmental Politics and Policy. (10th Ediction), Washington, DC: CQ Press.

Homework Assignment:           

  1. When is enough environmental regulation actually "too much?"
  2. Who ultimately resists additional environmental regulation?
  3. Who oversees the regulators and what are the economic consequences of "cradle to grave regulation"?
  4. What is meant by the term "regulatory thicket"?
  5. What are the environmental and economic risks entailed when public policy becomes entangled in the regulatory thicket?