Class Topics:
- The Benefit-Cost Debate
- Command & Control versus Free-Market Economics
- Keynesianism Approaches
Chapter 5 of Walter Ronsenbaum's Environmental Politics and Policy. (10th Ediction), Washington, DC: CQ Press.
A Free Market Environmental Vision - Fred L. Smith, Jr., and Kent Jeffreys
Keynesianism - Bernard Corry
The Conservative Ecologist - Wimberley & Bradley
Homework Assignment:
- Read and critique The Conservative Ecologist by Edward T. Wimberley and Bradley Hobbes of FGCU.
- Distinguish between command and control and Keynsian approaches to economics.
- What are the issues at the heart of the benefit cost debate as it applies to environmental pollicy.
- Provide and example of a modern day environmental issue that is subject to the benefit cost debate.
- Describe Smith and Jeffrey's free market environmental vision.