
Environmental Policy Graduate Seminar

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EVS 6937

Online Course


Graduate Seminar in Environmental Policy  


Session 5

The Battle Over Regulatory Economics

Class Topics: 

  • The Benefit-Cost Debate
  • Command & Control versus Free-Market Economics
  • Keynesianism Approaches


Chapter 5 of Walter Ronsenbaum's Environmental Politics and Policy. (10th Ediction), Washington, DC: CQ Press.

A Free Market Environmental Vision - Fred L. Smith, Jr., and Kent Jeffreys

Keynesianism - Bernard Corry

The Conservative Ecologist - Wimberley & Bradley

Homework Assignment:           

  1. Read and critique The Conservative Ecologist by Edward T. Wimberley and Bradley Hobbes of FGCU.
  2. Distinguish between command and control and Keynsian approaches to economics.
  3. What are the issues at the heart of the benefit cost debate as it applies to environmental pollicy.
  4. Provide and example of a modern day environmental issue that is subject to the benefit cost debate.
  5. Describe Smith and Jeffrey's free market environmental vision.