
Environmental Policy Graduate Seminar

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EVS 6937

Online Course


Graduate Seminar in Environmental Policy  


Session 4

Common Policy Challenges: Risk Assessment & Environmental Justice

Class Topics: 

  • Risk Assessment and the Limits of Science

  • Acceptable Risks

  • The Precautionary Principle

  • Risk and Discrimination (Environmental Justice)


 Chapter 4 of Walter Ronsenbaum's Environmental Politics and Policy. (10th Ediction), Washington, DC: CQ Press.

Homework Assignment:           

  1. Familiarize yourself with how concepts of environmental risk and environmental justice inter-relate to complicate the environmental policy process. Then compose a short 10 page paper on that topic in which you identify a compelling environmental policy issue in which there is a controversy over the  environmental risks and environmental justice. In that paper Briefly describe that case situation and explain not only what the issues of risk and justice are involved but additionally which groups find themselves embroiled in controversy as well as considerations of how the issue may ultimately be resolved.