Environmental Policy Graduate Seminar
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Seminar in Environmental Policy
Session 3
Making Policy: Insitutions & Politics
Class Topics:
The Role of the Presidency
Congress and Too Little or Too Much Balance
The Bureaucracy and Their Power
The Courts and Appraisal
Political Environment of Policymaking
Chapter 3 of Walter Ronsenbaum's Environmental Politics and Policy. (10th Ediction), Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Homework Assignment:
- Describe the issues associated with WOTUS.
- What is involved in the "Water War?"
- Describe five of the powers the President can exert in environmental policy.
- What is the unique powers the federal bureaucracy holds in shaping environmental policy?
- What are the roles the EOP plays in environmental policy?
- Describe the function of the CEQ.
- Does the Congress have too much or too little power in environmental policy? Explain.
- Describe how "localism" operates in the Congress.
- The chapter discusses "ready, aim, fire" policy. What are the risks associated with crisis-oriented policy making?
- How are the two major parties polarized on environmental policy?