
Environmental Policy Graduate Seminar

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EVS 6937

Online Course


Graduate Seminar in Environmental Policy  


Session 3

Making Policy: Insitutions & Politics

Class Topics: 

  • The Role of the Presidency

  • Congress and Too Little or Too Much Balance

  • The Bureaucracy and Their Power

  • The Courts and Appraisal

  • Political Environment of Policymaking


 Chapter 3 of Walter Ronsenbaum's Environmental Politics and Policy. (10th Ediction), Washington, DC: CQ Press.

Homework Assignment:           

  1. Describe the issues associated with WOTUS.
  2. What is involved in the "Water War?"
  3. Describe five of the powers the President can exert in environmental policy.
  4. What is the unique powers the federal bureaucracy holds in shaping environmental policy?
  5. What are the roles the EOP plays in environmental policy?
  6. Describe the function of the CEQ.
  7. Does the Congress have too much or too little power in environmental policy? Explain.
  8. Describe how "localism" operates in the Congress.
  9. The chapter discusses "ready, aim, fire" policy. What are the risks associated with crisis-oriented policy making?
  10. How are the two major parties polarized on environmental policy?