Environmental Policy Graduate Seminar
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Seminar in Environmental Policy
Session 2
Making Environmental Policy: The Process
Class Topics:
- The Whitehouse on Greenhouse Gases
- The Policy Cycle
- Constitutional Constraints
- Incrementalism
- Interest Group Politics
- Environmentalism and its Critics
- The Public and Environmentalism
- Science in Policymaking
Chapter 2 of Walter Ronsenbaum's Environmental Politics and Policy. (10th Ediction), Washington, DC: CQ Press.
Homework Assignment:
- The author raises some very serious questions about the future of environmentalism as a force in the policy process and points out a number of factors that temper the desire of environmentalists to radically change public policy. Summarize those pertinent factors discussed in this chapter.
- Present a case of why environmentalism has either gone too far or not far enough.
- Distinguish between how the policy process actually functions as compared to how it is often politically portrayed as functioning.