Session Three
Mightier Than The Sword
A Class At First Presbyterian Church of Aiken
Two events profoundly influenced the writing of the Hebrew Scriptures: the Babylonian exile, which made the Jews an international people, and Alexander the Great's conquest of the ancient world, which infused all Middle Eastern cultures with Greek ideas.
Reading: Chapter 3. Romer, John (1989) Testament: The Bible and History. New York, NY: Holt & Henry.
Video Episode 3: Mightier Than The Sword
Study Questions:
What is the earliest mention of sacred text in the bible and when does it date back to?
How were Greek ideas infused into Jewish culture?
How was circumsion a problem for Jews during the Hellenic era?
How did Roman culture offend the sensibilities of Jews?
The priestly class in Roman time had been Helenized and made wealthy? How did this happen?
How was it that so many sacred scrolls were buried in caves all around Jerusalem?
Who were the Essenes?
What important events occured at Masada?