
Environmental Philosophies & Ethics

EVR 3020


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Session 9: Environmental Justice and Indigenous Environmentalism


Reading Assignment:  National People of Color Leadersip Summit (1991)Environmental Justice Principles; Finger, Marina de Oliveira and Zorzi, Felipe B. (2013) "Environmental Justice," UFURG Model United Nations Journal. Vol. 1, p. 222-243. Kelbessa, Workineh (2010) Indigenous and Modern Environmental Ethics. Washington, DC: Council for Research in Values and Philsophy. p. 177-222. Joel Mintz (2004) "Some Thoughts on the Merits of Pragmatism as a Guide to Environmental Protection."


Video Assignment: Van Jones (2010) On Environmmental Justice; KCET Television (2017) "Environmental Justice;" Justin Smith (2014) "From Idealist to Environmental Pragmatist;" Dory Ganes (2015) "Pragmatic Idealism."


Homework Assignment:

  1. How did the environmental justice movement evolve?
  2. Identify principles of environmental justice that are arguably pragmatic and explain why they are pragmatic.
  3. Describe principles of environmental justice that are arguably not pragmatic and explain why.
  4. Provide three examples of problems of environmental justice in the U.S.
  5. What does Dory Ganes mean by "pragmatic idealism?"
  6. What is Van Jones' perspective on environmental justice?
  7. Describe Justin Smith's transition from indealist to environmental pragmatist.
  8. How might an indigenous perspective on environmental philosophy look different than a "Western" perspective?
  9. In what ways might an indigenous perspective on the environment resemble nested ecology?
