Environmental Philosophies & Ethics
EVR 3020
Home Page / Schedule / Cases
Session 13: The Communitarian Contribution to Ecopragmatics
Reading Assignment:
Wimberley and Pellegrino's Ecopramatics, Chapter 7 & 8; Kenis, Anneleen (2016) "Ecological Citizenship and Democracy: Communitarian Versus Agonistic," Environmental Politics. July.
Video Assignment:Debbie Dooley on Green Tea Coalition; The Green Tea Coaltion; The Power of Solar in Georgia; Recycling Solar Cells; Conservative vs. LIberal; Manufacturing Solar Cells;
Homework Assignment:
Describe Etzioni's communitarianism.
According to the article by Kenis, what is the difference between communitarian and agnositic approaches to dealing with ecological issues?
What is the difference betweeen traditional environmentalism and the "transition" approach?
What is meant by the term "ecological citizenship" and how is this concept "communitarian"?
What is Bastiat's take on that which is seen and unseen in public policy?
How is intuitive know pattern-driven?
What forces brought the Sierra Club and the Tea Party together to create the Green Tea Coalition in Georgia?
Briefly describe how solar panels are made.
Briefly describe how they can be recycled.