Environmental Philosophies & Ethics

EVR 3020


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Session 1: Anthropocentrsim and Environment

Reading Assignment:  Attfield, Robin (2018) Chapter 1: "Origins," Edward Wimberley, "Conservation, Preservation and Environmentalism," Edward Wimberley, Nested Ecology, Preface, Chapter 1-3; Kareiva, Peter and Marvier, Michelle "What is Conservation Science?" Ben Minteer "Environmental Ethics Beyond Principle? The Case for a Pragmatic Contextualism." Ted Nordhaus and Michael Sellenberger - "The Death of Environmentalism."  De Lucia, Vito (2014) "The Ecosystem Approach between Ecocentrism and Anthropocentrism," Journal of Environmental Law. Vol. 27, No. 1, p. 91-117l

Video Assignment: Welcome to Environmental Philosophy and Ethics from Dr. Wimberley; A New Type of Conservation: Breaking Free of Two Myths About Nature- Peter Kareiva;Welcome to Environmental Philosophy and Ethics from Dr. Wimberley; Failed Metaphors and a New Environmentalism for the 21st Century - Peter Kareiva; The Long Death of Environmentalism - Ted Nordhaus and Michael Sellenberger; Beyond Environmentalism: Towards a New Ecological Politics - Ted Nordhaus and Michael Sellenberger;

Homework Assignment:

  1. Summarize what Wimberley means by a nested ecology approach and compare that to the pragmatism of Minteer.
  2. Go to the web and research these terms: anthropocentrism, ecocentrism, and biocentrism. Explain each term .
  3. Is there need for a new environmental ethic? Explain.
  4. What is a preservation ethic and discuss the degree to which it is it based upon egocentrism and individualism.
  5. Summarize the perpsective of Peter Karieva on environmentalism and conservation. Then contrast the perspectives of Nordhaus and Sellenberg with Karieva's approach.
  6. How Does Vito De Lucia describe the "Ecosystem Approach?"