Comparative Religions

Religions of the Near East

Session Three:

The Evolution of Judaism


"The main religious heritage of the Jewish people wherever they happen to be in the world is Judaism. It is an ancient religion with 4000 years of history. It has given rise to Christianity and Islam but has remained distinct and separate from its daughter religions. In this chapter we shall outline the first phase of the historical development of Judaism. Judaism cannot be studied in isolation from the Jewish people. It is the religion of Judaism that gives the Jewish people their distinctive character. The word “Judaism” has two meanings:

  1. It denotes the entire civilization, past and present, of the Jewish people. By the entire civilization is meant all the secular and sacred elements of the culture, history and social institutions of the Jewish people.
  2. It also denotes just the religion of the Jewish people." (From Mugambi, J.N.K. (2010) A Comparative Study of Religions, Chapter 30)


Mugambi, J.N.K. (2010) A Comparative Study of Religions. (2nd Edition), Oxford, UK: African Books Collective, Chapter 30.


National Geographic Special - Judaism: Inside the Torah

Study Questions:

  1. Outline the historical development of the religion of Judaism.
  2. Do you think that Christians are justified in their claims that Judaism has outgrown its purpose?
  3. What is the significance of the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel for the world and for the Jewish people?
  4. Examine carefully Table 2 on the history of Judaism and make sure you can follow it.