Protestant Reformers

Martin Luther


Begin this session by reading "Martin Luther: Church Reformer and "The Protestant Reformation and Martin Luther." Thereafter read the pice on the Ninety-Five Theses and then familiarize yourself with William Tyndall's New Testament.

Readings: Martin Luther: Church Reformer; The Ninety-Five Theses of Martin Luther; The Protestant Reformation & Martin Luther; William Tyndale & His New Testament

The "Reformation 500" video was produced by Concordia Seminary and is an hour in length. "Martin Luther: Driven to Defiance is a feature length documentary film that tells the story of Luther. "Luther and the Reformation is also another feature length documentary produced by Rick Steves a well known European guide and author. Your initial task is to familiarize yourself with Luther as presented in these videos. Thereafter review the films about William Tyndall and understand his role in the reformation.

Video:Reformation 500; Martin Luther: Driven to Defiance; Luther & the Reformation; William Tyndale; God's Outlaw (William Tyndale Drama)

After having done the readings for this session and reviewed the accompanying videos you may choose - on a purely optional basis - to answer the study questions and submit them at or to contact Dr. Wimberley by phone or email to request a time for dialogue about what you have learned. You may do so by phone or dialogue via Skype or Facetime. Dr. Wimberley's phone number is 239.405.4164. We may also convene group meetings of the class using the Zoom application on our computers. You can enroll in this course by emailing or by texting Dr. Wimberley at 239.405.4164.

Study Questions:

  1. What were the basic tenets of Martin Luther's theology?
  2. What was it about this "Lutheran" theology that upset the Catholic Church?
  3. What was Luther's attitude toward "indulgences?"
  4. Did Luther intend for his "theses" to be so widely published?