This session is dedicated to the "pre-reformer" who set the stage for the Protestant Reformation. Begin by reading "Faces of Reformation," The Legacy of John Hus," and by reviewing the Reformation Timeline to place Hus within the context of the rest of the Protestant Reformation. From "Truth Prevails" read pages 6-7 and 13-17. Thereafter read about the forerunners of the reformation to include Peter Waldo, Arnold of Brescia, John Wycliffe, John Hus, and Girolamo Savanarola. Additionally in "Forerunners Two" learn about the lbigenses. Finally with the Reformation overview familiarize yourself with the chart breaking down the relaltionship of the various Christian denominations.
Readings: Faces of Reformation: John Huss; Truth Prevails; The Legacy of John Hus; Reformation Timeline (Presbyterian Church); John Wycliffe Story; Chronology of the Reformation; Forerunners of the Reformation; Forerunners (Two); Reformation Overview.
Review the video on John Hus and the video pertaining to Wycliffe and Hus. Then familiarize yourself with the history of the Moravians (who date back to Hus) and the work of Peter Waldo.
Video:John Hus; Moravian History; Peter Waldo, John Wycliffe & John Hus
After having done the readings for this session and reviewed the accompanying videos you may choose - on a purely optional basis - to answer the study questions and submit them at or to contact Dr. Wimberley by phone or email to request a time for dialogue about what you have learned. You may do so by phone or dialogue via Skype or Facetime. Dr. Wimberley's phone number is 239.405.4164. We may also convene group meetings of the class using the Zoom application on our computers. You can enroll in this course by emailing or by texting Dr. Wimberley at 239.405.4164.
Study Questions:
- What was the unique contribution of John Hus to the Protestant Reformation?
- What were the key tenets of the theology of John Hus?
- What was it about the Hussian theology that offended the Pope?
- Who are the Moravians and how are they related to John Hus?