The Story of the Jews

Session Two:

Among Believers



Introduction: We begin this course with reading chapters 5-9 in Volume 1 of The Story of the Jews followed by viewing episode two of the accompanying film by the same name - "Among Believers."

After having completed the readings for this session and reviewed the accompanying video you may choose - on a purely optional basis - to answer the study questions and submit them at or to contact Dr. Wimberley by phone or email to request a time for dialogue about what you have learned. You may do so by phone or dialogue via Skype or Facetime. Dr. Wimberley's phone number is 239.405.4164. We may also convene group meetings of the class using the Zoom application on our computers. You can enroll in this course by emailing or by texting Dr. Wimberley at 239.405.4164.

Readings: Schama, Simon (2014) The Story of the Jews (Volume 1). Chapters 5-9; Holy Books of the Jews.

Video: The Story of the Jews: Among Believers

Simon Schama’s epic series continues with the story of medieval Jews struggling to preserve their identity — and sometimes their lives — under the rule of Christianity and Islam. Whether labeled “Christ-killers” by the Christians or “dhimmi” (non-Muslim citizens of an Islamic community) by the Muslims, diaspora Jews built new lives and invented new ways of being Jewish in exile in the face of discrimination, blood-libels and persecution interspersed with periods of tolerance, protection and peaceful co-existence. Drawing on some of the extraordinary documents they left behind, this episode offers a vivid portrait of Jewish bankers, merchants, doctors, poets and artists flourishing in Lincoln, Cordoba, Venice and Cairo and tells the heart-rending story of their mass expulsion from Spain in 1492.

Study Questions:

  1. Why are the Jews sometimes referred to as "People of the Book"?
  2. What are some of the underlying contributors to anti-Semitism?
  3. How was it that Jews prospered better under Muslim leaders than among Christian leaders?
  4. What were the practical implications of being a "dhimmi" under Muslim rule.
  5. What fate did the Jews meet in Spain after 1492?