America's Israelites:

The Story of the Mormons

Session Two: A Contemporary Faith

Session two begins with a look at the second episode of The Mormons. Episode Two of The Mormons looks at the contemporary realities of the Mormon church. Whitney explores the massive missionary program, how the church has entered the mainstream of American culture, the intricacies of the Mormon theology and ritual, and the excommunication of those who challenge church doctrine or who do not follow its teachings.The Mormons traces the Latter-day Saints' transformation in recent decades from the status of outcasts to mainstream players in U.S. politics and culture, and into a global religion with as many as 240,000 converts annually, thanks to the efforts of Mormon missionaries.


Reading: Mormons in the U.S.: 1990-2008; Claudia Bushman's (2006) Contemporary Mormonism: Latter-Day Saints in Modern America. p. 1-188.

Video:PBS Frontline: The Mormons Part Two

Study Questions:

  1. In what ways might you characerize contemporary Mormons?
  2. Issues of gender, race and sexual orientation have challenged the theological and administrative foundation of the LDS Church. Of these issues which do you see as most signficant and why?
  3. Why do Mormons appear to have an affinity toward Judaism?
  4. The text for this session asserts that the Mormon articles of faith "locate the Church as a Christian religion but not in the Calvinist wing." What is the rationale behind this assertion?
  5. What roles do families play in Mormonism?
  6. What was the purpose of polygamy in early Mormon families?
  7. Describe how missionary service works in the LDS?
  8. How does race, ethnicity and class impact Mormon practice?