"Being Presbyterian"




Session Three

Foundations of Faith

Topic: The Christian Traditions and Foundations that Inform the Reformed Faith Tradition

During this session I would like you to review the first three readings: "Old Testament World," "New Testament World," and "Early Christianity." Then review "Women in Minstry" which develops the history of the enfranchisment of women into the ministry and government of the Presbyterian Church. If you desire you can also review Presbyterian History. Finally study the concepts of "Creator God," "Redeemer God" and "Sustainer God" followed by "The Sacraments."


After having completed your readings, view the following short videos that discuss many of the concepts you encountered in your readings.

Video Resources:

After having done the readings for this session and reviewed the accompanying videos you may choose - on a purely optional basis - to answer the study questions and submit them at etwimber@hotmail.com or to contact Dr. Wimberley by phone or email to request a time for dialogue about what you have learned. You may do so by phone or dialogue via Skype or Facetime. Dr. Wimberley's phone number is 239.405.4164. We may also convene group meetings of the class using the Zoom application on our computers. You can enroll in this course by emailing etwimber@hotmail.com or by texting Dr. Wimberley at 239.405.4164.

Study Questions:

  1. How did the Old Testament World differ from that of the New Testament?
  2. What did Early Christianity look like?
  3. What are the differences between God as creator, sustainer and redeemer?
  4. How did women emerge in ministry within the Presbyterian church?
  5. What are the two sacraments Presbyterians celebrate and how would you describe them?
  6. What does "covenant" mean?
  7. How do we go about providing "context" for scripture?